Well it's been a little while....but I did warn you that I may not be as faithful as you might like...life just starts to happen, and before I know it a week has gone by and I haven't updated the blog.
But I do have lots to write about today because we have had a big week/weekend!
Last week (and this week) I am sitting through dialysis classes at work. Um...could learning be any more boring...but I have to listen because I want to do learn as much as I can because it is basically what my job depends on, so...it's been a struggle. I have learned a lot though, and hopefully someday soon I will understand it all. Adam was busy and very tired last week from two-a-day practices (he got up at 5am), and organizing physicals for all his athletes. But we were very excited because Jon and Jen (Adam's sister and brother-in-law) came and visited us this past weekend!
Adam and I treated Jon and Jen to all of the finest things of Florence life....my fine cookin' (hehe), Myrtle Beach, the farmer's market, Red Bone Alley, peaches peaches and more peaches, and of cours
Jon and Jen flew in on Thursday evening, that night we took them around town and showed them our lovable Florence, which took all of maybe a half an hour? Friday morning we produce shopped at the farmer's market. Jon enjoyed testing the local produce and ciders such as scuppernongs and Scuppernong Cider. We all tried the southern delicacy boiled peanuts for the first time....not a fan. As Jen put it, "...it tasted like a rotten potatoe"; I'd have to agree. During the day on Friday, with a little help from Jen, I convinced Adam to let me get a kiddie pool for the backyard. I love it! We spent the afternoon relaxing in the water. The only problem w
Other big news -our cat (not really mine, but the one we inheirited when we moved in; it lives in my backyard) had kittens!! 'Mittens' had seven kittens a week ago; they are deathly afraid of us but they are somethin' awful cute. We admire them from a distance; we don't touch 'Mittens' (not
I think that's about it for now...oh wait....one more thing.... HAPPY ANIVERSARY ADAM! We've been married two whole years now, can you believe it??!
Hugs and kisses -
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