Alright everyone I'll start taking reservations now for those of you wanting to come to SC! The guest room is ready for you! It is quite comfy and cozy (considering the bed fills up almost the entire guest bedroom).
Adam and I have had a nice weekend so far...Friday night we went out to eat with some friends from the the Sports Medicine Clinic. Adam and I were busy Saturday cleaning...waxing the car in 90 degree heat - never will I do that again - and then spent the evening relaxing. Today we tried out another new church - NewSpring Church - we really liked it, but once again it has it's pros and cons.
Back to all of you coming to visit....I thought I might share with you a little tid bit about SC we picked up from one of Adam's friends who is a SC native on Friday night. We were talking about SC weather and how cold it might get here come January and February. The question came up, "So do you guys wear winter jackets?" The answer was, "Oh yeah I have a winter jacket that I wear while I'm camping in February, after the sun goes down..." UM EXCUSE ME!!! In February... camping!! In Michigan I used to wear my winter coat from November to April!! And I would never consider camping in February!! So...if you're looking for some place warm come February or March...you won't have to wear your winter coat here - unless we go camping....
Enjoy your week! We're thinking about you all.
Holy cow! Nice guest bedroom! Where'd you get it? We're coming for sure now:)