Well it's Sunday....and I try to post every Sunday so...here you go. Unfortunately (yet fortunately) our lives have settled down here in Florence. We are starting to find our routine, starting to feel more and more like home, and starting to meet friends and build relationships. This is all good, and a natural and desired part of moving to a new city, but unfortunately it's no longer all that interesting. We've put new adventures and discoveries on the back-burner for now, and instead go to work, come home, and do it all over again. So...I wanted to forewarn you all that blogs may be few and far between because really lets be honest...you probably don't want to read about Adam's football schedule each week and what days I had to wake up really early and what days I slept until 12.
So all my excitement over my kittens was a little premature....they all ran away. I haven't seen any of them in over a week. The other day we did have a couple of stray dogs in the backyard...and no, we are not going to feed or adopt them.
Adam and I have started browsing the housing market in Florence - partly for fun and partly to look to buy. It seems it's the thing to do right now (Congratulations Tim and Ash and good luck Jon and Jen). Florence may not be our home forever, but it would be nice to stop renting and own our own home. That would be a significant prayer request - We don't know that plans the Lord has for us - but we would like to settle somewhere, and for now it looks like Florence.
Football season is in full swing now and therefore Adam is quite busy each evening at the High School. Practices go quite late here, and I go to bed pretty early to wake up at 5 some mornings, so please pray that Adam and I still are able to find quality time to spend together. We are so thankful for Sundays - we both have them off for sure, and get to catch up with each other.
Well it's been almost two months since we left Michigan, and no we aren't totally comfortable in our new city, but we have come along way. The streets are starting to feel like our streets, we have new places to go get our hair cut, new restaurants we love, and a few new friends. We're starting to settle into our routine. Thank you for all your prayers that have gotten us this far. I'm not sure when you'll hear from me again so.....til next time!
love you all,
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Alright everyone I'll start taking reservations now for those of you wanting to come to SC! The guest room is ready for you! It is quite comfy and cozy (considering the bed fills up almost the entire guest bedroom).
Adam and I have had a nice weekend so far...Friday night we went out to eat with some friends from the the Sports Medicine Clinic. Adam and I were busy Saturday cleaning...waxing the car in 90 degree heat - never will I do that again - and then spent the evening relaxing. Today we tried out another new church - NewSpring Church - we really liked it, but once again it has it's pros and cons.
Back to all of you coming to visit....I thought I might share with you a little tid bit about SC we picked up from one of Adam's friends who is a SC native on Friday night. We were talking about SC weather and how cold it might get here come January and February. The question came up, "So do you guys wear winter jackets?" The answer was, "Oh yeah I have a winter jacket that I wear while I'm camping in February, after the sun goes down..." UM EXCUSE ME!!! In February... camping!! In Michigan I used to wear my winter coat from November to April!! And I would never consider camping in February!! So...if you're looking for some place warm come February or March...you won't have to wear your winter coat here - unless we go camping....
Enjoy your week! We're thinking about you all.
Monday, August 17, 2009
New Wildlife
This week provided opportunities for Adam and I to better get to know the native insects of South Carolina. We were forewarned about Palmetto bugs - large cockroaches, and we've had colossal flies in the backyard, but this week we met the FIRE ANTS. Friday morning Adam and I were going about our morning routine, drinking my coffee, eatin' breakfast, watching the Today show.... when I noticed this large brown mound in the backyard. Adam and I first thought it was a dead woodchuck, but we found out after further inspection it was a large pile of dirt swarming with little little brown ants. Overnight they had successfully dug up a huge pile of dirt and formed a thriving ant colony. It took us probably all of 10 minutes once we figured out what the mound was to hop in the car, drive to Lowe's and pick out the most powerful fire ant killer they sold. We actually porbably spread some sort of toxic chemical over the backyard because it killed 'em or caused them to at least abandon their new dirt pile home. As long as that homes' not in my backyard - that's fine with me.
Here's a picture of Mittens - she looks a little possessed with her yellow eyes - part of the reason we don't touch her, just watch from afar. The kittens are doing well - they sometimes sleep on the back porch underneath the hose reel; the other night they were playing with eachother on the back step and hitting the door which made quite the racket while Adam and I were watching a movie.
Adam is busy this week with more football practice at Wilson High School. He hasn't started working in the clinic yet - one more week off. I've started full time working on the dialysis floor now. 6a-6p three days a week. I never knew my body could get out of bed on a regular basis at 5am, let alone actually function.
We visited another new church this past weekend - another possibility. It's a little more what we're used to, but it would probably take a little more effort on our part to get to know other people. Please continue to pray for our church search!
I hope you all have a great week!
Monday, August 10, 2009
Weekend Fun
Hi faithful followers! (and those of you who aren't...doesn't matter to me!)...
Well it's been a little while....but I did warn you that I may not be as faithful as you might like...life just starts to happen, and before I know it a week has gone by and I haven't updated the blog.
But I do have lots to write about today because we have had a big week/weekend!
Last week (and this week) I am sitting through dialysis classes at work. Um...could learning be any more boring...but I have to listen because I want to do learn as much as I can because it is basically what my job depends on, so...it's been a struggle. I have learned a lot though, and hopefully someday soon I will understand it all. Adam was busy and very tired last week from two-a-day practices (he got up at 5am), and organizing physicals for all his athletes. But we were very excited because Jon and Jen (Adam's sister and brother-in-law) came and visited us this past weekend!
Adam and I treated Jon and Jen to all of the finest things of Florence life....my fine cookin' (hehe), Myrtle Beach, the farmer's market, Red Bone Alley, peaches peaches and more peaches, and of cours
e, the heat.
Jon and Jen flew in on Thursday evening, that night we took them around town and showed them our lovable Florence, which took all of maybe a half an hour? Friday morning we produce shopped at the farmer's market. Jon enjoyed testing the local produce and ciders such as scuppernongs and Scuppernong Cider. We all tried the southern delicacy boiled peanuts for the first time....not a fan. As Jen put it, "...it tasted like a rotten potatoe"; I'd have to agree. During the day on Friday, with a little help from Jen, I convinced Adam to let me get a kiddie pool for the backyard. I love it! We spent the afternoon relaxing in the water. The only problem w
e have is that the pool heats up during the day underneath the tarp we have over it....and with our heat...it's probably about 88 degrees in the water and 94 degrees outside. But it's still refreshing (kinda ;-). On Saturday Adam and I took our guests to Myrtle Beach and at night to Red Bone Alley in Florence for dinner. After church on Sunday we lounged in the pool, the boys played XBOX and we enjoyed taking eachother on in Wii Olympics. All-in-all it was nice to have people visit and have a little connection from home for a couple of days.
Other big news -our cat (not really mine, but the one we inheirited when we moved in; it lives in my backyard) had kittens!! 'Mittens' had seven kittens a week ago; they are deathly afraid of us but they are somethin' awful cute. We admire them from a distance; we don't touch 'Mittens' (not
that she would let me....) because we're not sure what she might be infested with, but almost everyday she's back there; she'll even come up and sit on the porch.
I think that's about it for now...oh wait....one more thing.... HAPPY ANIVERSARY ADAM! We've been married two whole years now, can you believe it??!
Hugs and kisses -
Well it's been a little while....but I did warn you that I may not be as faithful as you might like...life just starts to happen, and before I know it a week has gone by and I haven't updated the blog.
But I do have lots to write about today because we have had a big week/weekend!
Last week (and this week) I am sitting through dialysis classes at work. Um...could learning be any more boring...but I have to listen because I want to do learn as much as I can because it is basically what my job depends on, so...it's been a struggle. I have learned a lot though, and hopefully someday soon I will understand it all. Adam was busy and very tired last week from two-a-day practices (he got up at 5am), and organizing physicals for all his athletes. But we were very excited because Jon and Jen (Adam's sister and brother-in-law) came and visited us this past weekend!
Adam and I treated Jon and Jen to all of the finest things of Florence life....my fine cookin' (hehe), Myrtle Beach, the farmer's market, Red Bone Alley, peaches peaches and more peaches, and of cours
Jon and Jen flew in on Thursday evening, that night we took them around town and showed them our lovable Florence, which took all of maybe a half an hour? Friday morning we produce shopped at the farmer's market. Jon enjoyed testing the local produce and ciders such as scuppernongs and Scuppernong Cider. We all tried the southern delicacy boiled peanuts for the first time....not a fan. As Jen put it, "...it tasted like a rotten potatoe"; I'd have to agree. During the day on Friday, with a little help from Jen, I convinced Adam to let me get a kiddie pool for the backyard. I love it! We spent the afternoon relaxing in the water. The only problem w
Other big news -our cat (not really mine, but the one we inheirited when we moved in; it lives in my backyard) had kittens!! 'Mittens' had seven kittens a week ago; they are deathly afraid of us but they are somethin' awful cute. We admire them from a distance; we don't touch 'Mittens' (not
I think that's about it for now...oh wait....one more thing.... HAPPY ANIVERSARY ADAM! We've been married two whole years now, can you believe it??!
Hugs and kisses -
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Week One
My first week of employment at McLeod is done. It wasn't my favorite week, considering I had to wake up early every morning and sit through a week of Skills Lab and orientation....but I'm not complaining, it was easy and I got paid for it. Adam has been keeping busy this week as well with the finish of the Dixie Youth Little League tournament and the start of two-a-day practices. He's actually really been enjoying football practice, the kids and the coaches.
Today Adam had practice early (6 am), but after that we took to exploring Florence a little more in depth. We also headed out to the Farmer's Market. My new favorite place in Florence!!! Ok, so I had this idea that the farmer's market was going to be like a whole bunch of fruit and vegetable stands that you see on the side of the road all put together in one place. But nooooo.....there is this huge barn (like a football field long) that has a drive that runs right down the middle of it and the stands are lined up on either side of the drive. You can drive your car right into the market and pull up next to the stand/growers that you like best. They have everything you might want out....peaches, green beans, lettuce, peppers, corn, orka, potatoes, sweet potatoes, tons of watermelons, jams, fresh flounder and shrimp...etc. I do believe I have a little of my father in me considering I loved just walking through all the produce and admiring how good it all looked. I will try to remember to bring my camera next time and take a picture of the market, you have to see it to believe it.
Hope you all had a great week! Enjoy your weekend!
Til next time...
My first week of employment at McLeod is done. It wasn't my favorite week, considering I had to wake up early every morning and sit through a week of Skills Lab and orientation....but I'm not complaining, it was easy and I got paid for it. Adam has been keeping busy this week as well with the finish of the Dixie Youth Little League tournament and the start of two-a-day practices. He's actually really been enjoying football practice, the kids and the coaches.
Today Adam had practice early (6 am), but after that we took to exploring Florence a little more in depth. We also headed out to the Farmer's Market. My new favorite place in Florence!!! Ok, so I had this idea that the farmer's market was going to be like a whole bunch of fruit and vegetable stands that you see on the side of the road all put together in one place. But nooooo.....there is this huge barn (like a football field long) that has a drive that runs right down the middle of it and the stands are lined up on either side of the drive. You can drive your car right into the market and pull up next to the stand/growers that you like best. They have everything you might want out....peaches, green beans, lettuce, peppers, corn, orka, potatoes, sweet potatoes, tons of watermelons, jams, fresh flounder and shrimp...etc. I do believe I have a little of my father in me considering I loved just walking through all the produce and admiring how good it all looked. I will try to remember to bring my camera next time and take a picture of the market, you have to see it to believe it.
Hope you all had a great week! Enjoy your weekend!
Til next time...
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