Adam and I have been here in SC for a total of five days now; much has been accomplished, and we are very pleased with how it has all gone so far. The moving truck arrived on Wednesday with all of our stuff intact! (I was a bit worried...) With the wonderful help of our parents most everything found a
On Thursday the boys headed to Lowe's (unsupervised...always a risk) and the ladies headed to Food Lion to fill up our cupboards. (Maybe next week I will make my first and much anticipated visit to the nearby Piggly Wiggly...can't wait!! lol).
By Friday we had accomplished most of the home maintenance tasks, and decided to head to Myrtle Beach to explore and have lunch at the Hard Rock Cafe. (Come visit and I'll take you too!) We headed down to the beach and put our feet in the water and whetted Mom VK's desire to come back and spend a day lounging on the vast beach.
Friday afternoon brought our first Florence tears came time to say goodbye to our dear parents and them say goodbye to us. Probably the least fun part of our week so far....Adam and I both realize that our parents support our decision to move here and are proud of courage to step out of our GR bubble, but it was hard to see their tears and sadness as they drove away. We will miss them dearly, and it will take some getting used to considering we won't be able to drive up for a day to go shopping or stop by for dinner or a round of golf. We can't thank them enough though for taking an entire week of vacation to drive 16 hours and help us transition and settle into our new home. We love you MOM(s) and DAD(s).
Much love, til next time...
My lovely Leah (and Adam)- We miss you already. Your post made me sad and happy at the same time. Thinking and praying for you. I'll call today! Love you guys!
P.S. Leah, you are officially in my Google Reader. You better update regularly!
Great job on the blog! We are here to support you and pray for you. Another big week ahead!