Leah here - thought I would update everyone on my experiences during my first day alone running errands in Florence. Adam started orientation yesterday morning for his position at McLeod. He seemed a little overwhelmed with information yesterday - but that's how orientation always goes. Please pray that he gets to hang of his schedule and begins to feel comfortable with all the things that have been put on his plate. We found out a little more about what Adam's schedule will look like for the next year - he will be in the sports medicine clinic from 8-12 each day and then, (depending on the season) he will be at Wilson High School in the afternoon each day. Now we just need to find out what my schedule will look like! I have two interviews tomorrow morning at McLeod one for hemodialysis and the other with the cardiac unit. It is our prayer that I am able to get a day position - but I would probably take anything for now.
So anyhoo...I decided yesterday to venture out into Flo-town (without the GPS mind you) and see what types of stores and shopping were available. Mind you venturing out here is something different than venturing out in MI. People here don't use the blinkers the car companies purposefully place on their cars for their safety and the safety of the other drivers on the road. I actually had one lady pull up next to my car and stick her arm out of the window to motion to me that she wanted to move over. And the car she was driving wasn't old. Of course they do it with a smile on their face and wave because people are nice, but it still takes some getting used to.
I headed towards the main shopping area in Florence, the Magnolia Mall. Florence has the typical stores like Kohls, JCPenney, Sears, Barnes n Noble, Dicks...and of course a Target (a prerequisite for considering moving to a new town :-). But I wanted to explore the new department store available to me - Belk. Dumb name huh? The name sure didn't draw me in, but someone told me it was like a Macy's s0 I decided it couldn't be too bad. Upon exploring every section of the store I decided I wasn't all that impressed -it will do, but it's no Macy's. (The outlet mall 45 mi down the road will probably be more promising :-)
After browsing my options in retail - I decided we needed a couple more groceries for the week. It was time to make my trip to the local Piggly Wiggly. I was excited. The Pig (my new nickname for the store) had a nice selection - a little cheaper prices than the Food Lion (what's up with the animal names?) and the isles were larger. AND every employee where's a t-shirt that has a big pig on the front and says "I'm Big on the Pig" on the back; AND they sell these t-shirts in every color! Get excited about X-mas presents everyone! hehehe JK.
So...it was good day in Flo; Adam came home, we ate dinner then unpacked the office a little more. I'm not sure yet what today might bring - maybe I'll venture to the Library. But it is sunny and only 88 so I could lay out...supposed to be warmer later in the week...oh like 95, so maybe I should catch my beams today.
Have a great day!
Oh I almost forgot - here's some pictures of our new house!
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