For starters Adam and I have worked very hard on our new house and moved in the last weekend in February. We completely transformed the kitchen with the help of Adam's parents, who came down for a week in Feb. I have never worked so hard for seven days straight.....and hope to never have to again. But! it turned out beautifully, and I am so in love with how it looks now.
Considering we have to pretty much paint every wall in our new house ( i hated all the colors they had chosen) we have been busy. But we are almost done with that task too. Just a couple more spare rooms and the hallway to go. Finally tonight after one whole month Adam has turned on his x-box and is enjoying an evening relaxing....I'll take that as a good sign. Our next big projects move us outside to where our bushes have become very large trees, and we get the joy of hacking them back down to size.
We are also preparing for our puppy to join the family. We drove to Fair Play, SC a couple weeks ago and picked out our new addition, Roman. Roman will come to live with us in April. I'm not sure whose most excited, Adam, myself, or my Mom (it is her first grand-dog ya know?)
Adam and I are currently in between spring vacations as well...we just spent a week in Charleston with my family for my parents 30th anniversary and in April are we going to Florida to spend a week with Adam's family. We had a wonderful time in Charleston...we relaxed, walked the beach, and most definitely did not think about all the work waiting for us at home. We are excited for FL. as well.....more relaxing couldn't hurt.
Enjoy the before and after pics of our new place.....and no we can't come to your house and transform it....I'm too tired. hehe.
Before and After:
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