To start things out...Adam and I plowed (and I mean plowed with our Honda Accord) through the worst winter snow event North Carolina has seen in the last 10 years on our way up to Michigan. We left on Dec. 18 (Adam's Birthday) for Grand Rapids, hoping to make it to Lexington, Kentucky that night. Of course first we hit all the rain, then the buckets of snow once we got closer to the mountains of NC; the mixture of 12 in. of snow and drivers that have never s
The next morning Adam and I awoke with great hope that today we were going to get all the way from NC to MI! We got on the road at 5am and promptly sat in a traffic jam for an hour....great start. After one more small traffic jam (only 45 min.) we made it to Asheville, NC and the roads started getting a little better. Adam and I decided to take a state road through the mountains, hoping for less traffic and better luck and ended up driving through the most beautiful snow covered mountains and small towns I have ever seen. Past the mountains the driving conditions got even better, and finally we were making up some time. got dark. We were in the northern part of Indiana right before the MI border when the roads started to ice up and Adam and I after 11 hours of driving decided to get a hotel room rather than drive 30 mph for the next 5 hours to get to home. Tough decision, but laying down in bed that night never felt so good.
The next morning we finally made it to GR and finally saw some family! Now the fastest week ever can begin!!
Adam and I hadn't seen Adam's parents since July, and most other family since August or October, so we had a lot of catching up to do. We spent evenings at Jon and Jen's new home in Fremont, Tim and Ashley's new home in Grand Rapids, and hit almost every Christmas party we could. We sat in awe of how big our niece Emma has gotten and marveled at the fact that she talks and walks too. She even knows our names....except for Adam's. But we'll get there; at least she has Eeeah down. We thoroughly enjoyed seeing friends, spending time with family and completely forgetting about work for a week. Coming to the end of the week was difficult because it meant A) we had to get back in the car and B) we had to leave all our friends and family behind again. It was such a good week with everyone though, and I can't wait til next year!
The trip home was much smoother. We hit a little bit of trouble on 75 in Ohio due to some snow and icy roads, but made it that first night down to Lexington, KY. The next day was fine and we finally made it back home after 16 hours in the car.
So what now??? Back to normal boring life?! OH no way...we need some excitement...some change around here! Adam and I purchased a home here in Florence and we plan to move in come early February! We are very excited making it truly all our own, and actually owning the property rather than renting it. And the house is sooooo cute! Not on the inside'll understand after I post the before and after photos...but soon it will be so chic.
Also we have two big vacations coming up, opportunities to spend more time with family so we are so very excited about that too! The first week in March my parents are taking our family to Charleston, SC where they rented a home for the week to celebrate their 30th wedding anniversary with all of us kids. Then 4 weeks later Adam and I are traveling to FL. to spend Spring Break with Jon, Jen, Emma and Adam's parents. It will be so nice to relax with family!
After all of our vacations....Adam and I plan on making a new addition to the family! A puppy! (gotcha for a minute didn't I?) We get the first pick of a golden retriever litter in Fair Play, SC. We can not wait!
So much ahead of will be a very busy couple of months, but wonderful months though.
I will attempt to post pictures of our home as we get in it and start remodeling.
Miss you all once again!
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