For starters....Adam and I got to witness/be a part of Extreme Home Makeover last week Thursday when we visited where they were building a home down here in S.C. A family in Loris, S.C. was nominated, and a husband of one of Adam's friends from work is part of the planning/organization committee so we were invited to go out to the site and check it out. We got to pretend we were very important and wear the hard hats and the blue shirts and walk up to the house. Some old lady thought we were famous and even took our picture! It was pretty crazy to see how it is all put together. Unfortunately I didn't get to see Ty......bummer. The episode should air some time in March.
This week Friday Adam and I closed on our house. We are officially home owners!!! And what fun that has already been......can I get my money back...please.????JKJKJK! After signing all of our papers and handing over the biggest check of our lives, Adam and I ran over to our new house, so excited to get inside it....come to find the previous owners hadn't completely left yet! A couple of rooms were still full of their stuff.....this is not how I had pictured this going.....But anyways we let them slowly remove their possessions, and even leave their food in our refrigerator for the night. We are way too nice....
So anyways Saturday morning Adam had me up at 8 o'clock to get ready and get over to the house and start working. If you haven't seen the pictures of how the house looked before we bought it, you might not understand quite as well, but there is a lot of work to be done inside. I'm planning on posting before and after pictures (but that won't be for a long time ;-). Oh the joys of owning a little bit older home...The wallpaper in the kitchen is probably going to be the bane of my existence for the next couple of weeks....goody goody. But house work is housework and it's has to get done, and once it is done, it will look wonderful, and represent us and no one else.
Housework wasn't the worse part of our first day of it was the visitor we had. Adam and I are scraping away in the kitchen when we hear a scratching noise in the livingroom. Thinking it was a cat at the back door we look out the back, but can't find anything until we turn around and come to find a SQUIRREL in the fireplace! It was sitting there with it's little paws on the wire grate, staring up at us with a dumb little smile on it's face. Needless to say we both freaked out (maybe me more than Adam) and scared the thing half-to-death. After much deliberating and staring into the fireplace we attempted to give the squirrel a chance at freedom by opening up the glass on the fireplace and cornering off a path to the door and the backyard. Of course the thing wouldn't go near our neat path, so Adam monkeyed with the flue for a while and opened some vents and we went back to our work and when we checked back a couple hours later the squirrel was gone. Of course something like this would happen to Adam and I on the first day we own a home....of course.
I'm sure many more interesting stories will be coming about our slow progress on our house....but hopefully no more squirrels.
love y'all