I just read through my last post, and I can't believe the last time I posted we had just gotten Roman and he was so tiny! Um...he didn't stay that way for very long....Roman is now a daunting 70 lbs. Lucky for us though he is all sweetness and captain of cute. My favorite attribute of Rome's is that he's never truly found his voice. (No he's not deaf). Roman has never barked at another dog...human being....or squirrel. He does know HOW to bark; he barks occasionally when we are attacking him with the hose of the vacuum or playing keep away with a ball. He's still part magnet, but not nearly as bad as when he was a puppy, and no he still doesn't like his crate. The only magic trick we know to con him into the crate is a Kong full of peanut butter. (Maybe that's why he's so big.....huh.....) But he is so annoyingly smart, he destroys fabric toys in moments, and he is the cutest 9 month old puppy ever. Here are a couple pictures for you to drool over.....

Enough about my dog....Adam and I are doing well too. Adam is now done with his busy-busy football season, and onto basketball. I am still working in hemodialysis; putting in my three days a week and enjoying my four off.....I can't help it, it's how the job works ;-) One of the things we've added to our life here is our small group that meets on Sunday nights. Adam and I joined/lead a small group of young couples from our church, NewSpring. It has been such a blessing to meet and make connections with other believers and couples our age down here.
Adam and I plan on being up in Grand Rapids for both Thanksgiving and Christmas this year, so hopefully we will be able to catch up and see all of you! Roman will be with us over Christmas so you'll have to stop by to see my baby!
Miss you all, and love you lots -