I am writing this because I have a little extra time this morning before I take off and run some errands because I'm waiting for my new puppy to find the urge to eliminate outside before I lock him up for an hour....oh how life has changed.....
Well for starters let's not get too far ahead of ourselves....we need to cover vacation before we can move onto the other changes. Adam and I returned from FL a little over a week ago....sad to be back to work, but at least we have some great memories to look back on. It was so much fun to spend a week with our Ploeg family in one of all of our favorite places, Marco Island! We hadn't seen Jen, Jon and Emma since Christmas so it was fun to see how much Emma has grown and how much she is talking and interacting now.
The weather while we were there was gorgeous, it only rained the day we came home and was 80 and sunny every other day. A full week of sunning, boat rides and family time...can't beat that!
After coming home from FL and before returning to work, I traveled down to Hilton Head to see Sarah and her Mom who were vacationing in my great state! It was fun to catch up a little and reminisce about old times. It was one busy week before going back to work for three days after that, but it was all worth it too
So then came Sunday....D-day. Adam and I woke up early drove to church on the other side of the state and then went and picked up our new little man....Roman.
I have come to conclude a couple of things, Roman is probably part ostrich and 2/3 magnet. The entire car ride home he has this bewildered look on his face, was breathing probably 100 times per minute and buried his little head either into my side, or in the seat cushion, or my crotch. Thankfully we didn't have any accidents, but that was probably because he was so scared. The first day home we played ball in the backyard...went for a walk...and spent a lot of time staring at each other getting accustomed to having one another around. Adam and I were very concerned about the first night and how that might go. Much to our surprise Roman didn't make too much of a peep, and slept most of the night. Of course the rest of our nights have not gone quite as well as the first....but we're working on it.
Adam keeps giving me a hard time because I kinda had this expectation that the dog would come pre-trained......unfortunately this is not the case. We've had some trying moments and I think I our biggest obstacle is separation anxiety and learning to love the crate. Roman does catch onto some things quite well....like going for walks and games such as catch. As for the 2/3 magnet part of him....he will not let you out of his sight....he is getting this companion thing down pretty well. Roman will be there for you when you do your hair, when you take a shower, while you are washing the dishes, and even while you are relieving yourself in the bathroom. And one nice thing is that you won't need to wear slippers anymore because Roman looooooves to lay right on your feet.
But all in all....He is the cutest, most adorable pup I have ever laid my eyes on.
Well he finally went outside and did his business so I guess I can now be on my way.
love you all! Can't wait until you can meet the little guy!